وقتی به PlayStyles و PlayStyles میرسیم , میخواهیم تفاوت استراتژیک بین آنها را حفظ کنیم , بنابراین چندین تغییر تنظیم ایجاد کردهایم . هدف ما در اینجا تضمین این است که گزینههای متفاوت معناداری برای بازیکنان در هنگام ساخت Squads , با کمک PlayStyles و PlayStyles + به ارائه تنوع بیشتر در دسترس باشد .
PlayStyles را کمی تنظیم کرد :
Tiki | دقت پایین و کیفیت عبور اولین گذر را کاهش میدهد .
عبور Pinged | کاهش دقت پاس محور .
با افزایش دقت پاس , دقت پاس افزایش مییابد .
Jockey | حداکثر سرعت Jockey را کاهش داد .
The Spring Update brings changes to Legendary CPU AI difficulty, intending to offer a fresh experience when playing this challenging level of opponent.
- Adjusted Legendary difficulty CPU AI behaviour.
- Legendary AI teams known for tiki taka play are less likely to focus on that style of play when near the opponent’s penalty area.
- CPU AI players are more likely to perform shot types based on their respective PlayStyles, when applicable.
- Players with lower Composure Attributes are more likely to make mistakes when pressed.
Our objective is to give more agency to our players, especially on the defensive side. When defending against Legendary CPU AI, players can now have more time to react and effectively anticipate the CPU AI’s moves.
We also made several changes aimed at creating more differentiation between matches. This includes differences in attacking tendencies between teams and the way they respond to pressure. These changes can make the match to match experience feel more unique while offering a satisfying challenge.
We look forward to seeing player feedback on the Legendary CPU AI changes across Career Mode and Ultimate Team.
کمترین سیستم مورد نیاز | سیستم توصیه شده |
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